Goerg & Schneider

Clay No. 364 25% chamotte red

The product "Keramische Masse 364" is a plastic clay mass, individually packed (10 kg), so the smooth consistency of the mass is retained for a long time.

It is particularly suitable for turning and building.

It is a quality product from the Westerwald, made from local, natural raw materials.

Technical specifications:

Firing colour: red
Firing range: 980°C-1200°C
Fireclay share: 25%
Fireclay granulation: 0-0.5mm
Dry shrinkage: 7%
firing shrinkage:
1070°C: 5%
1140°C: 6%
1240°C: 6%
water absorption:
1070°C: 6%
1140°C: 3%
1240°C: 2%
CTE x 10-7/K (pre-firing 1070°C):
20°C - 400°C: 71
20°C - 500°C: 73
20°C-600°C: 85